SILVER SPURS EQUINE has always gone above and beyond to reward the breeders that believe in our 35 incredible stallions as well as the many owners and trainers that purchase our weanling and yearling prospects of distinction every year.
Since we own most of the finest stallions in the reining industry, we are presenting breeders and prospect buyers of our stallions the ultimate challenge:
Win the NRHA Futurity or the NRHA Derby on a Silver Spurs Stallion (except Pale Face Dunnit) and Silver Spurs will match the 2021 NRHA payouts for the Futurity and the 2022 Payouts for the NRHA Derby!
In addition, to show our loyalty to our loyal European breeders and prospect buyers, we have included several European Futurities, and now also the Guadalajara Reining Classic (Futurity & Derby) in Mexico!
For the NRHA Derby we have included the 4-yr old stakes and Novice Horse Derby!
Click to the following pages to learn about all events, classes included, and fabulous
Silver Spurs $1 MILLION Payouts: